Lesson 7 - EXCELlent formula fun

Advanced Applications - Excel Before we continue with Advanced Excel, does anyone need me to go through the Basics of Excel? Have you used Excel before? Do you understand Cells and Cell ranges? Do you know how to enter a basic formula or Function? Do you understand Relative and Absolute cell addresses in formulas? Can you apply styling to make it look pretty? If you can answer YES to the above questions, then you are all set for advanced Excel (we will take it slowly) Excel Charts Let's start our Advanced Excel lesson with Charts! This is a simple spreadsheet that compares the library statistics from the door counter for branches of South East TAFE libraries. Start by making it look a bit prettier Heading I made the font larger Added some shading Did a merge and centre Table Added borders Made the column headings bold Centred the headings Create the Chart Start by selecting the area of the graph that you want to chart A3:M8 Go to the Insert Ribbo...